I have, at times, doubted myself and my abilities. The reason is because sometimes you don't get much feedback from others about what you do. However, I can't let that be the deciding factor in whether I keep producing my version of what is creative and artistic because therein lies my ability to grow---persistence.

I am determined to keep trying and keep learning so that I can eventually form my own style of doing and being.
Yesterday for Valentine's Day---the day of hearts---I spent the time showing love by sharing my love of art. I taught a handful of young people how to make Valentine's Art Journals. It was a messy proposition but fun. I learned something about myself as far as learning how to teach the arts----I try to give too much at one time and I need to slow down the pace. I should concentrate on teaching only one or two techniques and the end project should reflect that.
An art technique of using tissue paper |

Change and growth takes time---this is all new for me---teaching art that is. I have been a teacher for decades. In fact, you will find a link below that directs you to my teaching website.

But the one thing that is my saving grace is I'm learning to focus on the type of art I'm really excited about and that has remained paper and fabric. Today I got confirmation about my new direction.....I was in an office to get some information...as I was standing at the desk, the clerk noticed the fabric choker I had on and gave me a compliment. He said, that's nice. I told him that I had made it....his response, "oh you're an artist".....Yes, I'm an artist.....and one who is still growing and learning.
I have so much I want to learn. Only time will tell what actually happens. This journey is mysterious and exciting. I can't wait to see what I'll do next.
I have uploaded pictures of the children and their works....I hope you enjoy.
And as I work on my Art Journal, I will display the finished pages for you via a video and/or pictures.
"Be always artistically focused and life beautiful"......smooches!!
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