Learning Something New -- Mimi G Style Lesson 1: Sewing Basics

"She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple."  Proverbs 31:22

Yes, the Proverbs 31 woman could obviously sew.  Doesn't mean you Have to learn to sew but I like it and if you do, here are some beginning lessons to get you started.

Learning to teach yourself to sew is a gargantuan task.  I know, because I'm one of those people.  Well, technically I didn't really teach myself all by myself.  I've had a few classes but to increase those skills has been a challenge but I'm loving it.  Using Youtube videos and patterns helps tremendously.

But to save you some of the time and mistakes I've made, I'm sharing with you someone who I feel is an awesome teacher.  She's awesome to me because she's transparent, honest and willing to share.

I hope you enjoy and learn something yourself.
Happy sewing and becoming.......


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